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Western Samoa Ocean Maps south pacific ocean
Oceania | World

Country (long form) Independent State of Samoa
Capital Apia
Total Area 1,104.25 sq mi
2,860.00 sq km
(slightly smaller than Rhode Island)
Population 179,058 (July 2001 est.)
Estimated Population in 2050 170,739
Languages Samoan (Polynesian), English
Literacy 97.0% total, 97.0% male, 97% female (1971 est.)
Religions Christian 99.7% (about one-half of population associated with the London Missionary Society; includes Congregational, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Latter-Day Saints, Seventh-Day Adventist)
Life Expectancy 66.77 male, 72.37 female (2001 est.)
Government Type constitutional monarchy under native chief
Currency 1 tala (WS$) = 100 sene
GDP (per capita) $3,200 (2000 est.)
Industry food processing, building materials, auto parts
Agriculture coconuts, bananas, taro, yams
Arable Land 19%
Natural Resources hardwood forests, fish, hydropower


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