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Country (long form) Republic of Suriname
Capital Paramaribo
Total Area 63,038.90 sq mi
163,270.00 sq km
(slightly larger than Georgia)
Population 433,998 (July 2001 est.)
Estimated Population in 2050 388,061
Languages Dutch (official), English (widely spoken), Sranang Tongo (Surinamese, sometimes called Taki-Taki, is native language of Creoles and much of the younger population and is lingua franca among others), Hindustani (a dialect of Hindi), Javanese
Literacy 93.0% total, 95.0% male, 91% female (1995 est.)
Religions Hindu 27.4%, Muslim 19.6%, Roman Catholic 22.8%, Protestant 25.2% (predominantly Moravian), indigenous beliefs 5%
Life Expectancy 68.97 male, 74.42 female (2001 est.)
Government Type constitutional democracy
Currency 1 Surinamese guilder, gulden, or florin (Sf.) = 100 cents
GDP (per capita) $3,400 (1999 est.)
Industry bauxite and gold mining, alumina and aluminum production, lumbering, food processing, fishing
Agriculture paddy rice, bananas, palm kernels, coconuts, plantains, peanuts; beef, chickens; forest products; shrimp
Arable Land 0%
Natural Resources timber, hydropower, fish, kaolin, shrimp, bauxite, gold, and small amounts of nickel, copper, platinum, iron ore


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French Guiana
North Atlantic Ocean

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